Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Kitchen

This may be the single most important room in the buyer's mind. Make the kitchen look roomy by clearing the countertops of all unnecessary items.

You may be comfortable working in your kitchen - you've gotten used to working around the coffee maker, microwave and blender; however, if a potential buyer "feels" that the kitchen is cramped or short of working space, it may leave a negative impression. Even if the kitchen is small and counter space is limited, you can make it "feel" comfortable to work in by opening up as much space as possible.

Look at the whole room for a feeling of roominess and comfort. If you have extra chairs around the table, do they make the room feel crowded? If so, remove a couple of them.

Look in the cupboards, too. Like most people, you have probably accumulated lots of dishes and utensils over the years and your cupboards are full. However, a potential buyer opening cupboards and seeing them crammed full might get the impression that cupboard space is limited. Go through the cupboards and remove many of the things you don't use very often. You can pack these things away now - after all, you are moving soon. Make your cupboards look neat and roomy and your kitchen will make a good impression.

The importance of cleanliness in the kitchen can't be overstressed. The condition of your kitchen will create an impression that will carry throughout the house.

Wash the walls and ceiling to remove accumulated cooking vapors. Clean the hood over the range. Make sure curtains are clean and fresh and the counters and sinks are spotless. Clean the stove, oven and fridge even if they aren't going to be included in the sale. They are part of the overall impression.

A small rug or carpet in front of the sink is a nice addition. It should be clean and not worn.

A bright plant or some fresh flowers will be a nice finishing touch.

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